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"I'm the only one in my class who brings vegetables to eat at school every day, and I don't care".

Elke & Brendon's daughter said this when aged 7


Renown Park

​188 Torrens Rd, Renown Park SA 5008

Contact Form

Appointment request: Please tell us your reason for wanting to make an appointment and all your appointment preferences. Please give us as much detail and your options of availability so that we can get you the correct appointment type. 


All other dietitian/nutrition requests are to be directed to Elke Supple. And all other physio/chinese medicine requests are to directed to Brendon Supple.


We will do our best to respond to your email in a timely fashion, usually on the same day or next business day. Do realise that we receive many requests each week, and emails are actioned in the order that we receive them. Unfortunately Elke and Brendon does not have the time to answer school project questions. 


Thank you.

Success! Message received. We'll be in touch - Supple Clinic Team

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